Repetition Art Design Composition

If you are goin to play with repetition, in your art design composition, then, as a symbolist, I advise you to heed, to the findins of Dr. Carl Jung, the greatest psychiatrist and symbolist of all time.

He discovered, that the most beneficial composition is a pattern of radial symmetry, with 4, 8, 12, or 16 spokes, known as a mandalla, or a mandala design.

That way, if you rotate your repetition around a middle, with radial symmetry, and, if you make it to appear to whirl in a clockwise direction, then you will be doin more good, to your viewer, than any other composition would do.

In the image, below, the flames, of the Mandala Art Movement logo, have different colors, to represent the “4 functions” of the human psyche:

Click on the image, to see whether you are in time to get a free copy of The Mandala Handbook, which makes Jung's discoveries accessible to English speakers.

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